Wonderful piece!

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Wow, that was incredible. And yes, I did read the whole thing. You must have a tape recorder in your brain to have gotten all that dialogue down. As the sole Jew, you comported yourself admirably. I felt whipsawed from one idea to another in that section of the story; the pacing was dramatic. The content truly is reflective of the situation today, in that the same problems remain, and the same proposed solutions seem far away.

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Thank you! And I didn't have a tape recorder in my brain -- I had a tape recorder in my hand. Luckily, I had just come from doing an interview with a source, accompanied by my trusty Sony recorder! And yes, startling that the only change is that it's all gotten worse...on second thought, I don't think I did record this conversation (that would have been awkward). But the conversation was seared into my brain and I wrote it down soon after.

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